Thomas Zoss

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Thomas Zoss - Consulting Services (Updated - now retired)
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In addition to the links in this section, here are some white papers to read:

How a Successful Business Can Fail

Rating B-2-B Web Sites

On Being a Consultant

Tom Zoss NOW RETIRED. Note: I retired from full-time work managing two charitable foundations in October 2014. This section describes how I operated my previous consulting practice for nearly 15 years.

Introducing Tom Zoss and the services offered here.

Starting about 1984 my consulting "products" were mostly ideas, packaged in optimism, and accompanied by careful planning and guidance on how to implement them. In sum, I offer distant vision - an outsider's objective viewpoint, coupled with years of experience and eclectic training. Matching the right skilled consultant with the challenges of your organization or business can fundamentally affect your prospects for future success.

My typical approach is to meet with prospective clients to listen and learn. We discuss the situation and their needs (at no charge) so I can prepare a proposal in one of the following areas:

Interim Foundation Management Assistance

My most recent work experience involves management of two foundations - a public community foundation, and the other a larger private foundation. This work involved both organizations awarding scholarships and grantmaking, staff management, marketing and public relations, and stewardship of a total $39 million in asserts under management. Many foundations and non-profits experience occasional unplanned vacancies in leadership and these positions are too technical for a well-intended volunteer or board member to fill. I can offer fill-in services to keep things operating in a professional, ethical, careful and accountable way. The important work of the non-profit can continue while a search for a permanent replacement can be conducted.

Marketing and Communications Projects

This usually involves PROFIT MAXIMIZATION for businesses or SUSTAINABILITY for non-profits. If you are taking in a lot of money but end the month without any left you need my intervention services. Another area is PROMOTION AND MARKETING (including a coordinated communications plan). I can help to implement a branding program for your enterprise so all of your marketing communications materials help create a coordinated and professional impression. Many clients have let me show them how to make more effective use of NEWSLETTERS. Many of my longest client relationships began with small newsletter projects and grew to cover many other areas. I have samples and references ranging from modest local projects to major international corporate campaigns. My experience includes for-profit and non-profit and higher education clients.


Sometimes things in life just don't go as planned. Perhaps you're losing business, or have poor profits, or need to expand quickly without ruining things. Maybe you're a non-profit organization and need to raise money to better perform your mission. When faced with problems like this the answer is to engage an experienced problem-solver. I can generate an action plan, help gather your resources including training your own team, and push for a solution to the problem. I can help you find new direction.

Strategic Planning

Perhaps you've been too busy but you know a long range strategic plan is important to success. The planning process goes best with a skilled guide who can help your organization participate in the process and "buy in" to the resulting plan. A good strategic plan is the result of a process that needs to be professionally managed. I can get you from here to there. Quickly. Within a pre-determined budget.


"Do It Yourself" may work with home improvement projects, but negotiations often go better when your side is represented by a skilled representative.

My Background

I began working as a consultant early in 1984. I really enjoyed the work because of the variety it offered, and because of the opportunity to bring fresh ideas from one situation that can help a different one.

My package of skills and experience is unusually diverse and I'm proud to say that many companies and non-profits have asked me to help solve problems, increase profits or donations, or leverage their successful organizations to new levels of achievement. After college I worked in corporate management, then in law practice. From about 1984 until 1998 I operated Zoss Communications, Inc., in South Bend, Indiana, working as a full-time consultant while also teaching law, marketing, and public relations part-time.

I took full time employment in higher education in 1998 as a visiting professor in mass communications, then moved on to head marketing and communications for a nationally-known college before turning to fund raising. My career took me into foundation management for both a public community foundation and also a larger private foundation. I have now retired from full-time employment and can offer my experience on a part-time basis. Click here for a short resume.

At this site you can see the names of some clients I have served in the past, and other information about consulting and the way I do business. It's usually best to start with a confidential talk and meeting. If there are ways I might be able to help, I'll submit a written proposal and quotation - all at no charge. Thanks for visiting.

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Thomas Zoss
Tel/Cell 812-345-1924 E-mail to Tom Zoss

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